Davinci Tabs Backup

Shortcut Hotkey Description MacOS VIA Macro Windows VIA Macro
Copy Attributes Copy a clip/object or its attributes
VIA Code copied: {KC_LGUI,KC_C}
VIA Code copied: {KC_LCTL,KC_C}
Paste Attributes Open Paste Attributes dialogue box, allowing you to paste specific settings
VIA Code copied: {KC_LALT, KC_V}
VIA Code copied: {KC_LALT,KC_V}
Split Clip Split all the clips at the playhead position
VIA Code copied: {KC_LGUI,KC_BSLS}
VIA Code copied: {KC_LCTL,KC_BSLS}
Timeline Zoom Toggle between showing the timeline in its entirety and the previous timeline zoom level
VIA Code copied: {KC_LSFT,KC_Z}
VIA Code copied: {KC_LSFT,KC_Z}
Transition Add a transition at the selected edit points
VIA Code copied: {KC_LGUI,KC_T}
VIA Code copied: {KC_LCTL,KC_T}
Undo Step Undo the last action
VIA Code copied: {KC_LGUI,KC_Z}
VIA Code copied: {KC_LCTL,KC_Z}
Redo Step Redo the last undone action
VIA Code copied: {KC_LGUI,KC_LSFT,KC_Z}
VIA Code copied: {KC_LCTL,KC_LSFT,KC_Z}
Join Clips Join the selected clips
VIA Code copied: {KC_LALT,KC_BSLS}
VIA Code copied: {KC_LALT,KC_BSLS}
Select All Clips Forward Select all clips (on all tracks) after the playhead position
VIA Code copied: {KC_LALT,KC_Y}
VIA Code copied: {KC_LALT,KC_Y}
Link Clips Link all the selected clips
VIA Code copied: {KC_LALT,KC_LGUI,KC_L}
VIA Code copied: {KC_LALT,KC_LCTL,KC_L}
Video Scopes Toggle on/off the Video Scopes window
VIA Code copied: {KC_LGUI,KC_LSFT,KC_W}
VIA Code copied: {KC_LCTL,KC_LSFT,KC_W}
New Bin Create a new bin (in Media panel)
VIA Code copied: {KC_LGUI,KC_LSFT,KC_N}
VIA Code copied: {KC_LCTL,KC_LSFT,KC_N}
New Timeline Create a new timeline (in the Cut, Edit, or Fairlight panels)
VIA Code copied: {KC_LGUI,KC_N}
VIA Code copied: {KC_LCTL,KC_N}
Retime Controls Toggle the Retime controls for the selected clip (in the Edit panel)
VIA Code copied: {KC_LGUI,KC_R}
VIA Code copied: {KC_LCTL,KC_R}
Ripple Overwrite Perform a ripple overwrite
VIA Code copied: {KC_LSFT, KC_F10}
VIA Code copied: {KC_LSFT, KC_F10}
Trim Start Trim the start of the clip to the playhead position
VIA Code copied: {KC_LSFT, KC_LBRC}
VIA Code copied: {KC_LSFT, KC_LBRC}
Trim End Trim the end of the clip to the playhead position
VIA Code copied: {KC_LSFT, KC_RBRC}
VIA Code copied: {KC_LSFT, KC_RBRC}
Previous Node Move to the previous node (Color panel)
Next Node Move to the next node (Color panel)
Add Node Add a new serial node after the selected node (Color panel)
VIA Code copied: {KC_LALT,KC_S}
VIA Code copied: {KC_LALT,KC_S}
Toggle Node Toggle the selected Node on or off (Color panel)
VIA Code copied: {KC_LGUI,KC_D}
VIA Code copied: {KC_LCTL,KC_D}
Play In to Out Play the timeline from the In to Out range
VIA Code copied: {KC_LALT,KC_SLSH}
VIA Code copied: {KC_LALT,KC_SLSH}