Final Cut Tabs

Shortcut Hotkey Description MacOS VIA Macro
Compound Clip Create a New Compound Clip
VIA Code copied: {KC_LALT,KC_G}
Enhance Light & Color Automatically enhances the Light and Color in your clips (Final Cut Pro 10.8 and newer)
Project Snapshot Take a Snapshot of the current Project, saving its current state within the Project file
VIA Code copied: {KC_LSFT,KC_LGUI,KC_D}
Paste Attributes Paste copied attributes and their settings to the selection
VIA Code copied: {KC_LSFT,KC_LGUI,KC_V}
Cut Clips At Playhead Cut all clips at the skimmer or playhead location
VIA Code copied: {KC_LSFT,KC_LGUI,KC_B}
Undo Action Undo the last command
VIA Code copied: {KC_LGUI,KC_Z}
Redo Action Redo the last command
VIA Code copied: {KC_LGUI,KC_LSFT,KC_S}
Toggle Library Toggle Show/Hide the Library & Browser module
VIA Code copied: {KC_LCTL,KC_LGUI,KC_1}
Time to Range Trims the clip start and end points to match the range selection.
VIA Code copied: {KC_LALT,KC_BSLS}
Create Storyline Create a storyline from a selection of connected clips that don’t overlap
VIA Code copied: {KC_LGUI,KC_G}
Play Full Screen Play full screen from the skimmer or playhead position
VIA Code copied: {KC_LSFT,KC_LGUI,KC_F}
Import Media Opens the Media Import dialogue box
VIA Code copied: {KC_LGUI,KC_I}
New Event Creates a new event
VIA Code copied: {KC_LALT,KC_N}
New Project Creates a new project
VIA Code copied: {KC_LGUI,KC_N}
Export File Opens the Export File dialogue box
VIA Code copied: {KC_LGUI,KC_E}
Timeline Scrolling Scrolls the timeline in line with the playhead during playback
VIA Code copied: {KC_LALT,KC_LSFT,KC_S}
Transitions Browser Toggle Show/Hide the Transitions Browser
VIA Code copied: {KC_LCTL,KC_LGUI,KC_5}
Retime Edit Toggle Show/Hide the Retime Editor
VIA Code copied: {KC_LGUI,KC_R}
Zoom In Timeline Zoom in to the browser, viewer, or timeline
VIA Code copied: {KC_LGUI,KC_EQL}
Zoom Out Timeline Zoom out of the browser, viewer, or timeline
VIA Code copied: {KC_LGUI,KC_MINS}
Add Connect Title Connect a basic title to the primary storyline
VIA Code copied: {KC_LCTL,KC_T}
Insert Gap Clip Inserts a gap clip at the skimmer or playhead location
VIA Code copied: {KC_LALT,KC_W}